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Writer's pictureBrisbane Meditation

How to Stop Distracting Thoughts, Stop Overthinking and Live in the Present Moment and Become Successful

In this blog, I'm going to be sharing with you how to stop distracting thoughts and how to live in the present moment. I'm also gonna be sharing why you have distracting thoughts, where the overthinking comes from, and how learning how to let them go is the key to stay focused, succeed and live in the present moment.

How to Stop Distracting Thoughts, Stop Overthinking and Live in the Present Moment

First, I'm just going to share a book reading from the founder of this meditation, titled "How to become free from distracting thoughts and live in the present moment?"

The reason people have countless thoughts and so many distractions in their minds is because people take pictures of the incomplete world. One is born with the habits topped with the life lived, and the life he lives, which are the delusional thoughts, added on top. If you throw this all away, your delusional thoughts will disappear and you will be able to work hard at what you do, and you will be able to succeed. Throwing away the life lived, which is the cause of the delusional thoughts within oneself, is the way to get rid of these delusional thoughts. It is also the way to increase concentration and live in the present moment.

To know how to stop distracting thoughts you need to know where they come from
To know how to stop distracting thoughts you need to know where they come from

What Are the Habits and How Does it Create Overthinking?

Now I am going to break it down and illustrate it with visuals to make it clear.

First we need to understand what is meant by "habits" - it is not necessarily the conventional interpretation of repeated tendencies that are difficult to give up, although they are related.

The original source of distracting thoughts is your parents passed down in your genes
The original source of distracting thoughts is your parents passed down in your genes

It is the imprinted mind traits in your genetic code from your parents and ancestors - just like you look like your parents, your mind also resembles theirs.

For example, it is scientifically proven that intergenerational trauma is stored in your genes. If you think about how Dolly the Sheep was cloned with a single cell, it is the same principle.

What is the Incomplete World You Live inside of and How Does it Create Overthinking?

This has been covered at length on our blog, but again I will illustrate it here.

So if you look around you right now, that is the real world. But when you close your eyes, there's an incomplete world inside of your mind - it incomplete because it is not the True World / Reality it is just a copy.

You have a 5 senses camera body with your eyes, nose, mouth, ears, and body, so from the moment you were born you were taking pictures of everything and recording it into your brain.

For example, where you grew up as a child, You might remember your house, the places that you played, playing with your friends and family, parks, and your mind at that time was very simple.

Distracting thoughts start as you start to record everything into your mind
Distracting thoughts start as you start to record everything into your mind

Whatever was in your mind at that particular time is what was being created inside of your mind. The thoughts that were produced inside of your mind at that time were based on the habits that you inherited from parents and the life that you had lived up until that point.

As you get older, it doesn't stop. You keep taking more and more of these pictures. You go to primary school, getting in trouble, good times in primary school, bad times, what kind of student was I? So your mind's building up.

Everything in your life is recorded into your mind
Everything in your life is recorded into your mind

So this idea of this incomplete world inside of your mind is building up, and there's more and more space that it's taking up inside of your mind.

Then you go through high school, university, stresses about friends, getting your phone, anxiety, going to different kinds of places, holidays, moving house, exams, study, boyfriends, girlfriends, whether you were a good student or a bad student, what do be when you get older, having to start to think about doing casual work, part time work - more and more space is being taken up in your mind as the incomplete world takes over your mind!

As your mind fills up with distracting thoughts, there is less free space in your mind
As your mind fills up with distracting thoughts, there is less free space in your mind

You can really think about the past as being like the programming that generates the thoughts, feelings, and emotions of your present moment, just like a robots.

And then of course, there is your job, car, mortgages, houses, work colleagues, friends, holidays, having children, trying to take care of your children, worrying about money, worrying about the future, worrying about a promotion, worrying about the next thing, really overthinking and over analyzing everything!

The distracting thoughts all come from the programming of your past
The distracting thoughts all come from the programming of your past

The distracting thoughts are being created by those tens of thousands of thoughts from your life.

Not only that, you have this concept of your "self" inside of there.

"I'm an over thinker."
"I'm an over analyzer."
"I like reading books."
"When I do something, I do it really carefully and I spend a lot of time on it."

You emphasize the concept of your past programming, and just like a robot, you can't think outside of what's in your mind; you can only think according to what's been programmed into there.

Your whole life, I'm just taking pictures. When we talk about pictures, thoughts, feelings, emotions, memories, literally everything that happens inside of your body and inside of this mind, the thoughts, the feelings, the emotions, everything are the pictures.

The worst part is YOU gave it to YOUR children

If you go back to your parents, your parents had that entire mind world also stored in their mind, plus their ancestors, and then plus their ancestors, and then plus theirs.

So it has just compounded into you. That's why you have distracting thoughts and overthinking!

Then guess what? You pass it onto your children and they start overthinking and have anxiety and stress before they're even the age of 10! It's really becoming an epidemic all around the world It's because our minds are full.

You continue to pass your mind on to your children and then they have distracting thoughts and overthinking!
You continue to pass your mind on to your children and then they have distracting thoughts and overthinking!

This is why we encourage parents to meditate before their children, because you need to understand you are the one who created that problem for your child.

How to Stop Distracting Thoughts?

Now that you know why your mind is full of distracting thoughts, overthinking and a lack of focus, how can you solve it?

Distracting thoughts can be discarded from your mind
Distracting thoughts can be discarded from your mind

Well, we have a very, very simple meditation method.

Through the meditation method, we teach you, step by step, how to let go and discard the root cause of the overthinking.

How to stop distracting thoughts = clear your mind of them
How to stop distracting thoughts = clear your mind of them

In your mind, just like you can imagine a billions of degrees fire, you can can scrunch up a piece of paper and throw it into the fire, and it would disappear - not even a single atom would remain

As you continue to reflect, the distracting thoughts disappear
As you continue to reflect, the distracting thoughts disappear

In exactly and precisely the same way, all those pictures that are accumulated in the mind, one by one, as we guide you through the different parts of your mind, you reflect and let them all go and your mind becomes clearer, and clearer.

Stop distracting thoughts once and for all and live in the present moment!
Stop distracting thoughts once and for all and live in the present moment!

We are the experts in this, and as we guide you through that process, your mind will become completely free from distracting thoughts and overthinking!

You will be more calm, peaceful, happier, joyful - and you will be able to focus and succeed and anything you put your mind to.

It all sounds perfectly logical, right? The only thing left to do is to give it a go and see for yourself how it an change your mind!


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